i have a small incident to tell you.
i was travelling in a local train in delhi when in my comaprtment i saw two very little girls.poorly dressed.they were with their parents who didn't pay much attention to them,what ever they were doing.
i felt ,i don't know what to call that feeling,when i saw them asking for some groundnuts a man was having.but i definitely know that i felt something very light in my heart when i saw the gentle smile of contentment on their face.i am not a great poet or writer for that matter but i can definitely put some meaningful words together,and i wrote some in my wallet diary.
i think that has formed one of my best poems.but i definitely wanted that smile to stay there for a little longer so i gave the elder girl the bag of snacks that had come from my home the same day actually only few hours before(i live in allahabad and study in delhi)
after giving that to the child i sneaked away ,only to watch the duo and the family rejoicing the goods.
it was great.you know.
i had paid the price of the poem the children had gifted me.